Sunday, February 7, 2021

100 Day Project - Day 8 WHAT are we Doing?

What are we doing??  That was my first thought when I saw this, in a Chinese restaurant near my workplace this past fall.  I'm showing my age, but this reminded me of a TV movie featuring John Travolta that I watched as a kid.  It was called The Boy in the Plastic Bubble.  John Travolta was a boy who had no immune system, so he spent his life in a plastic enclosure so that he wouldn't get sick.  I was overwhelmed by this monstrosity when I walked in the door of this place.  Is this really NECESSARY?  I mean, the plastic shield, the baby monitor for speaking, the little holes (with flaps) for money and the food, AND the hand sanitizer?  I took this picture so that when I got back to work, I could show my friend.  She was unfazed. "Oh yeah," she said, "They're all like that."   WHHHaaaattt?

Of course we should make some efforts to stop the spread of Covid, but when I see things like this, I can't help wonder, have we gone too far?  Must we completely alienate ourselves from each other in the process?  I don't know how you feel, but it feels to me like we're crushing our humanity in the process. 

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