Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summertime... (the long anticipated!)

It's almost here...  

Summer vacation.

This year, after much thought and consideration,  I will be off for several weeks. Seven weeks to be exact.  Lest you think I live amongst the rich and famous, let me assure you that I listened to my husband worry about this for the last few months.  I assured him it would be ok, and wouldn't it be great that I would be able to do things with the kids while they're home from school?  He seriously thought about this one recent Sunday while he cooked us all eggs over easy with bacon, and he decided yes, it WOULD be lovely - especially when I take over Sunday breakfast duty.  (DAMN!)

For a few months I've been working on a list of things I want to do over the summer - mostly things I want to do with the kids.  It's by no means complete, but it's a start...

When I thought of something, I added to the list on my phone.  This is just one of about 3 different lists I started.  Do I get credit for listing the stuff, even if I don't get to actually DO it all?  Maybe I can convince my son to do the power washing.  Although, he might power wash his sister instead.  I figure, if I play my cards right, I might be able to get them to do certain unsavory chores if I can offhandedly mix them in with the fun stuff, i.e., "I'll take you guys to the beach...

...if you just do the dishes while I clean out this junk drawer, ok?  Might work...

I'm hoping we can try out some crafts I found on Pinterest.

Not necessarily these, but you get the idea.

One thing I DON'T want to do is too much of this:

...and don't tell me you have no idea what I'm talking about.  I've seen a bunch of you complaining about your Candy Crush addiction on Facebook.  I know what you mean - I'm stuck now on level 116.   Is anyone out there willing to be my sponsor in a 12 steps to quitting Candy Crush program?  I think I may set a timer for myself when I start to play...  then I can jump out of my SKIN when it rings and disturbs my concentration.  All I know is, I'm seeing brightly colored pieces of candy when I close my eyes, and that is downright disturbing.  At least I managed to quit Farmville and Castleville, and I'm determined not to let any other _villes into my life. 

So now I'm down to waiting for the last few days before summer vacation starts... stick with me and I'll keep you updated.

Can it live up to the hype I've created in my own mind?  I think so... 

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